Security, What security?

When we face a situation of insecurity, that is, where our integrity or our home or belongings is in danger, it is normal that we tend to think of measures to protect ourselves. We can find all kinds of systems and companies that offer us technological means for this. Cameras, sensors, alarms, locks, video surveillance, ....

This security, which we could call “defensive”, acts to stop the problem, but does not help to solve its cause. It even isolates us from the root problem, making us carry on from day to day without facing the root of the lack of security. In addition, it is also individualistic, and only makes the problem move somewhere else.Càmera al carrer de la Cort de Valls

When I speak of "defensive security" I know what I am talking about, because I lived for a while in Israel, where the issue of security is taken to the maximum. In airports, on buses, but also in shopping centers ... Detectors, armed policemen ... If you go to a settlement, it is even more extreme: cameras, watchtowers, minefields and electrified fences, and those who live are armed. And yet it is not the place where one feels the safest.

I explain it because the elements of defensive security give us a false peace sensation, but they remind us every day that we are in danger, causing us to live with an internal fear that we are often not even aware of, and the same bars that protect us are the ones that make us live in our own jail, being able to continue our day to day oblivious to the real cause of insecurity.

Real security is not having enemies, and if you do, your main task should be to understand the other part, respect them, and try to make peace. I heard from a Palestinian that if what Israel spends on helicopters and military oppression was spent on cooperating with them, the situation would be very different ...

So, on insecurity, if what we prioritize is to analyze the root and cause of insecurity and we work on it, we will be walking towards a security that I call empathic security . In this we don’t focus only in our problem of insecurity but we try to understand the problem of the people who cause us insecurity, and we try to solve it for everyone. That is why this security is more real since we are going to solve the root causes.

Part of the problem is also the dichotomy to which it all is reduced. Good and bad, aggressor and victim. In the movies there are some bad guys, very bad guys to defeat or put in prision. The reality is different, we are all people, and the aggressor is often a victim at the same time. Neither the good ones are so good nor the bad ones so bad. Too often someone who commits a crime is someone who has problems and needs to be helped.

The security I want is knowing that I live in a city that cares for all people, especially the most vulnerable, not one that stigmatizes and marginalizes those who have fallen into a hole or are experiencing difficulties.

I don't want to live behind bars and with a door with three locks. The security I want is not to have a good lock to tie the bicycle but to have the security that I can leave it untied and nothing happens, a safe environment that is achieved by taking care of people, not by putting bars and cameras.

Written by: Pere Vidal - Regidor de la CUP de Valls

Will we come out of this one poor or rich?

 We all know that the current situation supposes a change in society. What I do not see so clearly is the image that many have of this change and how many people will return to seek the same profit oriented approach as soon as economy and western life style gets active again ... I also wonder how many people thought that we lived in an ideal society that needed no change...

 For those of us who have traveled and lived in other cultures and countries and have had the gift of seeing our own culture from outside, the image that many have that we live in an advanced country or first world, is seriously questioned. Of course, we call ourselves advanced because we use only economic and technological criteria.

The question that arises is that if the criteria was how we value care, either to the weak or to the disadvantaged, either to the planet  or to ecosystems, if the criteria was how we welcome, integrate and learn from other cultures, how we relate to the neighbours and our abilities for cooperation instead of competition, perhaps we would have a surprise and we'll realize that in many ways we are in the third world and that in these aspects, a jungle tribe is much more advanced than us.

 The paradox is that we also live in the third world if we use humility as a criteria, and it is difficult for society to be mature enough to accept that we are less and that we can learn a lot from those people that we allow to drown in the sea. Yes, regarding humanity, we are also in the third world, this society that has resources to end hunger but not only allows people on the planet to starve to death, but also exploits and steals natural resources of the wrongly-named "Poor" countries.

 And applying simply these economic / technological criteria to value our environment now turns against us. It is a double edged sword. If we continue to maintain this vision, the situation that we will find in our post-confinement society already looks bleak ...

 It is but an opportunity to change the criteria that we use to measure society and our own lives. We are in a society that lives ignoring death, when facing death helps us to put real value on things. The most important things in life are not measured in money terms, you don't need to wait to have the breath of death on your nape to think about it. We are in a society where happiness is sought through consumption, putting hope of being happier in buying or consuming, when this has actually led us to constant unhappiness and to planet destruction with excessive and abusive consumption. We are in a society focused to educate consumers and workforce to produce, not conscious mature people with own criteria.... Is it that difficult to see that it is not about having more but being better? To be a good person, you don't need money but humility and many other things not based on money.

 If there is anything we can learn from this situation, it is that we can live with less, and we can do lots of meaningfull things without money.

If we change the criteria that we use to measure our life, we can get out of this rich and continue to be rich for the rest of our lives:

  Rich in relationships, in growth and personal knowledge, in cooking skills, in cooperating and helping each other, in quality friends ...

 Rich in having a less polluted, more fertile nature with more diversity. This spring is the most fertile ever I can remember.

 Rich in knowing how to supply ourselves, cultivating, repairing, and living in a more simple way.

 Rich in knowing how to use time in a different way, in finding happiness in attitude, not in objects.

 Rich in deeper conversations, in less superficiality, in knowing how to listen to others, in humility, wisdom and maturity.

 Rich in leaving our planet better than how we found it, in feeling satisfaction of doing what contributes to others and to ourselves.

 Rich in knowing that the best wealth is having an environment of friends and people who you love and love you.

 Rich in giving meaning to life and knowing that when you face death you will do it calmly, with a smile and with the certainty that your stay in this world has contributed to you and to others, that you have used your time to nourish yourself and at the same time contribute positively arround you.

  Let the poor be the ones who accumulate money and dedicate all their time to accumulate more because the criteria that marks their lives is economic profit ... I am saddened when I think that perhaps in the last moments of their lives they will realize that everything they have accumulated in money or belongings is useless to them because life is measured in time and in what we have put time into, and they have dedicated their time to sell it in exchange for money ...

 Now what Eduardo Galeano said comes to my mind: "poor people, what would really be called poor people, are those who don't know that they are poor."


Author: Pere Vidal-

Article published under CreativeCommons: free use and name the source (

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

We do not have to resist but to evolve

This days in spain people sing "Resistiré" (I will resist/survive), but it is not about "Resisting"  but to "Evolve" (EcoEvolve), and Grow so we don't go back to that normal that was destroying the planet...

 Today on the earth's day I've written a version of the lyrics with a more up to date and focused message, we don't have to  survive/resist but to look forward, grow and cooperate to build a world where we care about live and the nature which we belong:



Cuando este en peligro mi planeta

Cuando reine la desolación

Cuando va a peor la biosfera

Y parezca que no hay solución


Cuando estamos mas contaminados

Cuando el problema sea yo

Cuando cada acción tiene un impacto

Y nos lleva hacia la destrucción



ante el capitalismo

Cooperaré con todos mis vecinos de una vez

Y aunque el dinero quiera manejar mi vida

he madurado y aprendido

y esta vez no fallaré.


para ser sostenible

Me volveré humilde y resiliente a la vez

Y aunque parezca que en el cambio somos pocos,

Me uniré, maduraré

Cuando el consumo es un problema

Cuando se produce sin pensar

Cuando el plastico esta en todos lados

Y se halla hasta en el fondo del mar.

Cuando tanta gente pasa hambre

Cuando hay una gran desigualdad

Cuando quien gobierna no esta al caso

o sin empatia o humildad


que falta le hace al mundo,

Aprendré a valorar la vida y amar bien

Y aunque el sistema este aferrado y con sus medios,

Soy del planeta, evoluciono

y hacia atras no volveré.


y tomaré conciencia,

reduciré mi impacto y hasta un huerto plantaré,

Y aunque vendan de todo en el supermercado,

Al huerto iré y Maduraré...

Lyrics author: Pere Vidal -

Adapted and written under CreativeCommons license: free use,

source must be referenced ( and any derivative

must be free.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

We are starting a project to record a video with many artists with this lyrics version, if you want to join in, you can send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The basis of justice

What if the basis of justice were empathy and compassion?

Where is humanity when we apply punishment and repression?

Where have we failed as a society when we don't stop the circle of traumatized people traumatizing other people?

How different would the world be if what's invested in repression, punishiment and military was invested in educating in values ...

It is worth watching the video:

Step Inside the Circle


Call to print in 3D protective material for healthcare workers

The Local and Alternative Development Association (ADeLA), from its project Incredible Sustainable, called on March 18 to anyone with a 3D printer in Tarragona area to print  healthcare workers protective screens which were promoted from coronavirusmakers movement.

ADeLA Association is based in Valls and has twenty years of experience in environmental and social volunteering, workcamps for peace, group dynamics and volunteer mentoring. ADeLA / Incredible Sustainable, assumed the initial task of creating the organizational and coordination structures, giving support and supported  the creation of a local maker collective self-managed by its participants in a assembleary and cooperative way. This call initially starts with the hashtag # 3DActivistesTGN to give local visibility, and in the process of consolidating it as a collective, it is named 3dActivistes.

  One week after the call, the group is consolidated and autonomous, with 5 work teams of between 3 and 5 people and a coordinating group of the teams where the most involved or most experienced people in each group are.

 The accompaniment and mentoring ends ten days later when the group already has an participative horizontal structure and dynamics, both in its operation and in its decision-making, which are made by the coordinating group seeking consensus with all members. of the collective.

   3DActivistes participates , coordinates and cooperates with the coronavirus makers movement in Catalonia for printing protective screens,  while also launching three more of its own projects that are in the RiD phase.