Who is behind the scenes

Incredible Sustainable is a point of many struggles and falls. The common point is that they are promoted from the Can Pipirimosca project. All projects are non-profit and are not only open to anyone who wants to participate, but we also try to encourage their participation. Each project is possible thanks to all the different people who participate in an altruistic and disinterested way because they believe in it and have decided to participate ...

 The coordination and facilitation is carried out by Pere Vidal, who has participated in the creation of many projects, initiatives and groups (seed banks, consumer groups, degrowth movements, transcition towns ...) and contributes with time , experience, awareness, ideas, values ​​and vision. In all projects  participation, horizontality, knowledge sharing and cooperation are promoted, leaving aside egos, competition and profit aim.

 Pere Vidal is a full-time activist, and has been able to free up time to put his full dedication to the projects promoted by increiblesostenible.org, bringing the experience of years of living a simpler life, of food self-production, of using wild resources, of promoting and collaborating in volunteer movements and participating and networking with groups and individuals.