Winter activities 2022

We have the calendar of winter activities at Can Pipirimosca aquest hivern!!

You can find more information about each event on Can Pipirimosca Facebook page. You do not need to be registered on Facebook or be a user, the information of each event can be accessed without login in or registering.

You can acces to the event information from the following links:

      On December:
3-8 - Practical experience - Estada del pont de desembre
10-11 - Retreat - Retir d’ecologia profunda
23 desembre - 6 gener - Practical experience - Estada de nadal - cap d'any - reis
30 - Celebration - Festa de pre-cap d'any

     On January:
9-15 - Volunteering - Setmana de voluntariat i convivència: decreixement i agroactivisme.
28-29 - Celebration - Festa del calçot 2023 - cap de setmana d'activitats precalçotils
29 - Celebration - 24a Macrocalçotada a can Pipi - Festa del calçot a Valls

     On February:
4-5 - Celebration - Folkçotada 2023
6-12 - Volunteering - Setmana de voluntariat i convivència: decreixement i agroactivisme.
18-19 - Retreat - Retir d’ecologia profunda

     On March:
6-12 - Volunteering - Setmana de voluntariat i convivència: decreixement i agroactivisme.

Limited ammount of participants, activity cost is covered buy anonymous contribution. For details or to pre-register you can contact by direct message on Can Pipirimosca facebook page, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or a message on Telegram at +34 677322488.

All activities are open to anyone who is interested, prior registration is required to participate.

The practical experience stays, volunteering weeks and deep ecology retreat workshops will be held periodically.