Bio Pere Vidal

Pere Vidal is a full time social & enviromental activist based near Barcelona (Spain), running since 2002 a permaculture non profit farm named Can Pipirimosca, and long involved in peace and volunteering movements, workcamps for peace, seedsaving networks, transition town movement, urban gardens and other local comunnity projects. Since he finished university he decided to live non profit oriented and devote his time to be the change he wants to see in the world. Beside activism, he’s a computer engineer, musician, actor, shadow theater puppeteer, organic baker,… and has lot of experience on community, groups and team work.

Since he connected to Joanna Macy's "work that reconnects" on 2013, he’s been facilitating deep ecology workshops and through group dynamics, based on grattitude, empathy, compassion and selfawareness, help to raise awareness and conciousness on connecting with nature and caring the planet and all living beigns.

You can find some of his projects at

Pere deeply believes that empathy, connection and compassion is what will bring us together as humanity to overcome suffering and make this world a better place to live for all live forms.


En Facebook: pipirimosca
En instagram: @perepipirimosca