Can Pipirimosca is a place where, in addition to living sustainably and promoting it, it is offered to organizations and activities are organized to promote education in values and respect for the planet and the beings we inhabit. The project started in 2002 and in 2004 was constituted as an Association for Local and Alternative Development (ADeLA). The farmhouse where the activities take place is a family farm where Pere Vidal works as a farmer and has given it a non-profit social use.
Ecology meetings, workshops or retreats are often organized, or other organizations hold meetings or workshops, both internal and open. Every summer since 2001, an international volunteer workcamp is co-organized with Servei Civil Internacional de of Catalunya (SCI-Cat). Meetings are also held to stimulate movements and launch projects in the area. Projects like Almaixera local seed bank or the bio-consumer group La Pera have come out of meetings that have been organized and which are still being supported.
Also in Can Pipirimosca and the AdeLA Association, digital support is provided by hosting and managing the social networks of some movements (Catalan seedsavers network (, ...) or initiating projects (, cuinarebel. cat,, ...).
Reusing, repairing and fighting programmed obsolescence is also a goal of the project, giving a second life to things that are thrown away. Also researching how to make them last longer with 3D and CNC printing. A reused object has a double positive impact: less waste, less resource that is not exploited to replace what was thrown away.

Since February 2017, in addition to the work of permaculture in the farmhouse and environmental education that we have been doing for many years, we began to take actions in the city, starting a process of Transition towns: valls en transició
In this process, we take an active part in the activities being done, putting in time and material resources. Since we started, we have been able to consolidate monthly activities (sustainable cooking workshops (rebel cuisine), gift market (Ric-Rac)) and also local season activities (visits to local producers («from the library to the vegetable garden). "), Workshops on reuse and reduction of waste (" 5 eRres "), energy empowerment, ...) in addition to an urban vegetable garden (Community Garden of the 4 cantons) and in project a HUEP (Urban Garden of organizations of the Village) ...
We also focus on deep ecology retreats to raise awareness through deeper, more emotional teamwork. Other events are Volunteering for Scout groups and on occasion people interested in project and environmental activism come to give a helping hand.